Tuesday 28 January 2014

Arts Award Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities  - Declan Bailey 

Camera Operator Hours and Salary

Camera Operator often work outside normal office hours including weekends and also weekday but it depends on what company you are in or want to work with. A full day of shooting may last up to 10 or more hours, Camera Operator can film at any time during the day and even work night shifts.

Camera Operators get paid

Camera Operator Qualifications/Experience

They are no set requirements to be a Camera Operator for TV or Film but most Camera Operators have studied for higher level qualifications their can demonstrate they experience of a showreel of their work.
Although qualifications can be helpful, experience, technical knowledge and contacts are equally important. Applicants also need drive and determination to work in this field.

Most camera operators start as a trainee or runner before working their way up the ladder as they gain skills. Some may start as a camera operator's assistant, after completing a training course, and learn on the job from more experienced crew members.

For a Camera Operator you may need A* - C in english, maths and science and also it is useful to have a degree in Creative Media because it is relavent in this kind of work.

Producer Working Hours and Salary 

Producers that are just starting of they will get paid in the typical starting salaries about  £18,000-£25,000 Every Year. but for Producers who have expericence will get paid round about £40,000-£55,000

Producers Work long hours normally they could work about 30 - 40 hours per week but the producers can work a lot more than 40 hours per week. but they are no set amount of hours a producer, he/she works as long as the can and as long as it takes.

Producer Qualifications 

Producers are responsible for the day-to-day smooth operation of the production team. Producers must be good businessmen and they must be good at motivating people and creating good strategies , negotiators and creative visionaries, with the ability to spot and deal with potential problems.There are no set qualifications for the grade of Producer - however, as the head of a team of both accounting and creative personnel, the Producer has to have an extensive understanding of the nature of film production as well as a strong grasp of business and financial issues and also they must have experience of working in the film industry, preferably as part of the Production Team.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

what i did arts award

In this lesson i added the background picture and i change the layout and added some more text and went on the internet and had at look at more popular website pictures when they first launched and how they improved over the years.