Tuesday 22 October 2013

Action Plan


 I want to Explore all the different types of HTML by using search in google or other search engine where i could find good tutorials about HTML and how to use it the create a simple website then i am going start working with some tutorials and use some html and work with dreamweaver see i can learn more about the software.

This is my time plan which i am going to try and keep.

Week 1 - Researching about HTML
Week 2 - Find some good tutorials for using HTML
Week 3 - Copy of the Tutorials using a bunch of random Html
Week 4 - try and create a simple website or edit an existing website
Week 5 - Try the website to see if the website works well or change the website if it need changing
Week 6 - Review and Evaluate the website

Here are some websites I could use to plan my challenge on html:

The website i looked at -

Youtube = www.youtube.com
Twitter = www.twitter.com

Why and what i like about the websites

Youtube - i like youtube because you can upload video for other people around world can watch and you can to watch other people videos and comment, dislike and like the videos that you watch. 
You can subscribe to people so any latest activity from a youtube channel you subscribe to will appear at the homepage of youtube if you are signed in to your account.some big channels on youtube can live stream on youtube aswell. i like the new layout of youtube but i prefer the old layout of youtube before they changed the old layout to the new layout.

Amazon - i like amazon because you can buy brand new stuff or you can buy used stuff and I can purchase over age games like Grand Theft Auto 5 and they do not ask for your age. if they do you can say you are 18 or over then you can purchase the over age game. you can purchase things easier than ebay and on amazon the things that you can buy arrives faster in comparison to ebay.
Also i like the layout of Amazon and the website itself. i like pre-ordering games before sometimes you get it early 

Twitter - i like the twitter layout and i like the fact you can talk to your favourite celebrities and you can follow then on twitter aswell and it will give you a notification and all the peoples tweets will appear in your front page if you follow them. i like the layout and i like the colour, i like the way you can change the background to anything you want instead just having the default twitter background.

Things i dont like:

Youtube - i dislike watching adverts on youtube before a video especially the advertisements that you cant skip. i dont like the fact some of the people that i have subscribe i dont get their videos in my sub box. the youtube subscriber boxes are broken because if you are subscribed to like 100 people, Youtube decides and assumes on what you want to watch.When i am on youtube on my computer at home i always enable Adblocker so i can watch videos or listen to music on youtube without getting advertisements on the videos

Amazon - i dislike the fact that sometimes you get things late but sometimes you may get things early. when people use the site it sometimes crashes and freezes or just runs slow. the search box sometimes is not accurate.

Twitter - i dont like there is a limit on amount of characters you can use which is 160 characters. i dislike the fact that Twitters search box is little slow when searching for people and sometimes it takes a while for you to tweet people.

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