Tuesday 3 June 2014

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

"Click Here" for the link to Craig's Padlet to see my Model Making and the finished animation

I thought my leadership skills for my animation was  pretty good we worked well as a team and we were in charge of our own part of the animation which i was in charge of making the models. 
we worked together as a team helping each other out when we got stuck or whatever .

What it was like working with Jack - I worked well with Jack we gave each other idea's when we was stuck.. He gave me some tips on making models and i gave him some ideas on what sound effects we could use.

What it was like working with Craig - Craig and I worked well and I think we should continue working togethers as a team in the future because we both focused on what we had to do.

Any problems - No problems

How we sorted them out - No Problems

How we could have worked better as a team - We could of give each other our opinions on what we done for the animation and let the other members tell you what they thought of what you did for the team.

How did we communicate - We were in the same room doing our animation so it made it easier to communicate because we didn't have to leave notes and messages to people unless one of the members was I'll and didn't come into college

I thought i was a good leader for creating the models and i think my other team members were good at being in charge of their own jobs to do.

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