Tuesday 18 March 2014

BBC Trip

BBC Trip

Last week we went to a trip to the BBC and we had to ask some questions about working in the BBC and how can we get into the TV/Radio industry. These are the pictures i took at the trip to the BBC in Newcastle. I found this experience worth going to because the BBC were able to show us around the areas such as

  • The Library contains lots a videos and tape which they can used again for  example anniversaries  and other important historical and cultual events.
  • The weather room shown in my second picture. normally there are only one person working in this room unless they cannot used the technology. This is room is used for weather and traffic reports.
  • The main set of the studio is used for news, and they used the hard news first to get everyones attention who is watching at home and then the soft news after then the weather in between.
  • The weather background they show on tv is to inform the audience that there will be a broadcast on the news will be next.
  • The main radio studio is used for the radio on the morning and the producer and the presenter have a screen which they both communicate, so it makes it easier for the presenter so he can keep on talking. I found this really interesting as they use it for recent news because the presenter and the producer are usually in the different room.

Some jobs that you can have working for the BBC and these are:

Questions asked during the visit to BBC Newcastle:

Q:How do you begin find work in this area?
A:You can check the website or you can have work experience to find work near your area

Q:What kind of qualifications or experience do you need?

A: The qualifications differs on the role that you want to do in the TV/Radio Industry 

Q: What are the typical working hours for this kind of job?

A: For the presenter the working hours is mixed about 70 hours 

Q: What other job opportunities could you progress onto after working in this area?

This is the storage area/ the library 

This is the weather room

This is the main set of the studio

this is the background of the main set

this is the main radio studio

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