Tuesday 11 March 2014


How could I make it better for next time?

I could done more research on website design and go into more detail when I explain what i did and i could of achieved more and learnt more and took my time instead of rushing my work.

What did I learn from it?
i learned how easy it is to add music playlist and video playlist onto my blogger with help from www.podsnack.com and www.tubesnack.com and that website design is a little when you do research about it and by actually doing little things and i can use this knowledge for next time I make a website,

Did I achieve what I wanted to achieve?

yes i think i achieve what i wanted to achieve which is to learn more about website design and that i can use it next time when i design a website or edit a website.

I have shared this with some of the people in my class and they have written a comment at the bottom of this post...


  1. Good website page with a nice layout as i can read the information on the website.

  2. Nice layout on the website, everything is visible and easy to read
