Wednesday 3 September 2014

BBC Update

I have already talked about Job Opportunities in depth in my other blog and here is the link and researching about the jobs in the BBC has help choose what i wanted to do in the Media industry which is being a Camera Man working for the BBC

Researching Job Opportunities in the BBC and other areas in the BBC has helped me decide that i want to work in the BBC as a CameraMan and to make sure i get there I am going to a Level 3 Course and then going to University to help me get to the BBC..

Tuesday 10 June 2014


I felt I met my targets that i have set in Arts Award and i learnt more about Website Design and I also learnt about Editing Film and Audio Clip in GarageBand and iMovie.

I feel I could of took my more time editing other peoples website and change the website completely and changing more things and I took more time exploring the different types of Code used in a website and I also took my time researching about website design and what job opportunities i could have if i wanted to work as a website designer.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Padlet review

on my pad let page i have reviewed my comments and replied back to them and also i got the other members in my group to put something on there say how well we worked well together as a team and how we worked hard doing our roles so we could make a good animation.

I put a picture of one of the models i made for our animation for evidence.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Reflection about My arts award challenge

My Arts Award Challenge Evaluation

for my Arts Award challenge i chose to do website design because when i started college i didnt know anything about doing website design and now i am pretty good at it because i research about HTML and some of the codes i could use for my websites for arts award and also i wanted to learn more about it and things i didn't already know. In my last Assignment for Website Design with my teacher i was a Pro i finished my website and uploaded and helped other people who were stuck and had any other problems and I helped them.

I normally create simple and basic websites so i don't complicate myself and i just want to mess around with my website so i can learn more about website site.

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

"Click Here" for the link to Craig's Padlet to see my Model Making and the finished animation

I thought my leadership skills for my animation was  pretty good we worked well as a team and we were in charge of our own part of the animation which i was in charge of making the models. 
we worked together as a team helping each other out when we got stuck or whatever .

What it was like working with Jack - I worked well with Jack we gave each other idea's when we was stuck.. He gave me some tips on making models and i gave him some ideas on what sound effects we could use.

What it was like working with Craig - Craig and I worked well and I think we should continue working togethers as a team in the future because we both focused on what we had to do.

Any problems - No problems

How we sorted them out - No Problems

How we could have worked better as a team - We could of give each other our opinions on what we done for the animation and let the other members tell you what they thought of what you did for the team.

How did we communicate - We were in the same room doing our animation so it made it easier to communicate because we didn't have to leave notes and messages to people unless one of the members was I'll and didn't come into college

I thought i was a good leader for creating the models and i think my other team members were good at being in charge of their own jobs to do.

Message Response

I responded to a positive comment and I thanked him for his positive comment that he put on my film review.

Thursday 22 May 2014

My film review comments

My Film Review Comments

this is my comments from my film review from people from my class and i responded back to them both.
they give nice feedback.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Planning Practical Issues

Planning Practical Issues 

Software we will need to use

  • iStopMotion - is used to create moving images. We used iStopMotion to animate the animation 
  • Adobe Premier - is used to edit videos and add sound/effects. we used Adobe Premier to edit to animation
  • Adobe Photoshop - is used to edit photos and images. we used photoshop to edit photos and images. 

Issues we may have 

The only issues we had in the past was with the software Adobe Premier because it wouldn't let me create a title and it kept coming up with errors.

Crew Members 

All of the crew members should try and work well together so we can try and get the animation done on time

Props and Money

We may not need any props, we only need a background and a camera. We dont need any money for this animation

Time Management 

Our aim is to complete our animation on time

Health and Safety

We need to follow safe practices in the studio and make sure any wires are out of the way so there isn't any accidents and make sure everything is cleared away.

Communication and link for proof

Click to go my Padlet page

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Peer Comments

Peer Comments   

i got some comments on one of my post very positives and i thought i was nice comments i got from jack and i replied to him saying thanks and i went on his blog and i gave him positives comments

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Arts Award - Animation and Leadership

Arts Award - Leadership - Unit 2

We have been put into groups and make something of our choice.My group I have Craig who has chosen to be the Animator and Jack who is the Editor/Sound Editor  we have chosen animation because it is easier to do and we decided as a group and we like doing animation in our course.

We are making a short animation as a member of the team as a promotional piece for the Arts Award. In this team i am in charge of model creating 

Model Maker and Responsibilities: 

Model Makers are members of the team that produces the working models, props, and/or puppets for Stop Motion Animation. 

I am in charge of making Props and the Models and I have to work with Craig the Animator i will try my best as the Model Maker and that i will work well with my team through out this task.  Model Makers may be briefed by others in the team, and they are more likely to handle the entire process, from start to finish. In addition to their own work, Model Makers may be required to supervise other members of the team.

Key Skills:

  • high level of various craft skills combined with artistic ability; 
  • knowledge and use of a wide range of materials;
  • ability to communicate with colleagues and work as part of a team, keeping Supervisors or Production Managers advised of progress or problems.

The Skills I want to develop are:

  • I want to develop and improve My Model Making Skills so next time when i make models then i can be better at making models
  • I want to develop and improve My Teamwork Skills and Communication Skills so next time when i have to work as a team, i can be a better team person and communicate with the other members and work well together.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

BBC Trip

BBC Trip

Last week we went to a trip to the BBC and we had to ask some questions about working in the BBC and how can we get into the TV/Radio industry. These are the pictures i took at the trip to the BBC in Newcastle. I found this experience worth going to because the BBC were able to show us around the areas such as

  • The Library contains lots a videos and tape which they can used again for  example anniversaries  and other important historical and cultual events.
  • The weather room shown in my second picture. normally there are only one person working in this room unless they cannot used the technology. This is room is used for weather and traffic reports.
  • The main set of the studio is used for news, and they used the hard news first to get everyones attention who is watching at home and then the soft news after then the weather in between.
  • The weather background they show on tv is to inform the audience that there will be a broadcast on the news will be next.
  • The main radio studio is used for the radio on the morning and the producer and the presenter have a screen which they both communicate, so it makes it easier for the presenter so he can keep on talking. I found this really interesting as they use it for recent news because the presenter and the producer are usually in the different room.

Some jobs that you can have working for the BBC and these are:

Questions asked during the visit to BBC Newcastle:

Q:How do you begin find work in this area?
A:You can check the website or you can have work experience to find work near your area

Q:What kind of qualifications or experience do you need?

A: The qualifications differs on the role that you want to do in the TV/Radio Industry 

Q: What are the typical working hours for this kind of job?

A: For the presenter the working hours is mixed about 70 hours 

Q: What other job opportunities could you progress onto after working in this area?

This is the storage area/ the library 

This is the weather room

This is the main set of the studio

this is the background of the main set

this is the main radio studio

Tuesday 11 March 2014


How could I make it better for next time?

I could done more research on website design and go into more detail when I explain what i did and i could of achieved more and learnt more and took my time instead of rushing my work.

What did I learn from it?
i learned how easy it is to add music playlist and video playlist onto my blogger with help from and and that website design is a little when you do research about it and by actually doing little things and i can use this knowledge for next time I make a website,

Did I achieve what I wanted to achieve?

yes i think i achieve what i wanted to achieve which is to learn more about website design and that i can use it next time when i design a website or edit a website.

I have shared this with some of the people in my class and they have written a comment at the bottom of this post...

New Music Playlist

 In this lesson i decided to make another music player using a different website called and it is made by the same people who created the website i used to create my video slideshow.

Once you go on they website you go on "build playlist" and then type in the name of the playlist, then I went on youtube on a new tab and find songs that i wanted then i copy the url and put it in the box then  i click the "+" to add the your playlist, when i was finish selecting my songs i clicked "next" then i selected my player to use then i clicked "finish" when i done that i click embed to HTML  code then once i done that it came up with a little box then i  went on my blogger and went on new post i clicked on "HTML and i copied the code and paste it into the HTML part of my new post.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Film Review

The Big Lebowski


This is the movie we watch at the Film Club at Middlesbrough College

Before we watch the film we had to ask a few questions about the film and these are the questions we asked with the answers.

They picked the film at The Film Club at Middlesbrough College because it is directed by Coen Brothers ( Ethan Coen and Joel Coen) which is Clive favourite Director because they made simple story-lines but the storyline are amazing and when they made good storyboards and the film will end up exactly the same as the storyboard. They also chosen The Big Lebowski  because the characters used in the movie and who people call "The Dude" and "The Dude" got ranked the 7th best character ranked by the Times and this is the reason they chosen this film to watch at Film Club

The main Genre of the film The big lebowski is a Comedy/Parody because in the film they are some funny parts. I think the funniest part of the movies is were The Dude and Walter where on edge of a cliff then the decided to throw they friends ashes in the air and it goes all over both Walter and The Dude..

The age rating is 18 because of the strong language and the uses of drugs and also has nudity in the movie which makes the movies into a 18 age rating

The film tells a story in a confusing way because it was quite hard for me to understand what is going on in the scenes and when you get more through the movie its gets more and more simple scenes and it is easier to understand. 

The names of the Main Characters: 

  • Jeffrey Lebowski - The Dude 
  • Walter
  • Maude Lebowski
  • Theodore Donald 
  • Donny 
  • Jeffrey Lebowski - The Big Lebowski

Opinion on the storyline and script

I think the film tells a story in a confusing way because it was quite hard for me to understand what is going on in the scenes and when you get more through the movie its gets more and more simple scenes and it is easier to understand. 

The movie didn't keep my intrest that much only some of the scenes because i though some of scenes were a little boring and i wouldn't recommend it to my friends. I think it wasn't a good choice of a movie for film club because it didn't keep peoples intrest maybe because the movie was made for an older audience.

Quality Of Acting

I think the acting was pretty could but for me it could of being better.. in the film they have professional and experienced actors but I didn't like Theodore who is played by Steve Buscemi   characters because the person who played that certain character didn't do a good job in my opinion.
but overall i think the quality of the acting in The Big Lebowski is ok.


I think the lightning of the film was pretty bad in my opinion some parts of the scene were dark and it has hard to see in some parts. I think also they could of make it a little bit more lighter so people could see more clearly. 

Camera work

I think the camera work in The Big Lebowski was good. I really enjoy the camera work but i think they could of improved it considering it is a made by Coen Brothers and i think The Big Lebowski is one of the best film they made for camera work.. 

Overall i didn't like the whole film i found it quite boring but i did like a few scenes because it was quite funny but most of the scenes was hard to understand and the reason why i didn't like The Big Lebowski

When "The Dude" Lebowski is mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, two thugs ruin his rug to coerce him into paying a debt he knows nothing about. While attempting to gain recompense for the ruined rug from his wealthy counterpart, he accepts a one-time job with high pay-off. He enlists the help of his bowling buddy, Walter, a gun-toting Jewish-convert with anger issues. Deception leads to more trouble, and it soon seems that everyone from porn empire tycoons to nihilists want something from The Dude.
(storyline written by Written by J. Lake at

Comments on my Film Review 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Video slideshow - Arts award

The website i used for this slideshow

i have made a funny moments slideshow with some funny moments that i found and the website that i used is called tubesnack and it is very easy to used then you have to put the html in the new post and it should appear in your blog post..

Arts Award Update

this lesson i have been working on the playlist for my blogger again because i came across a little error when i tried to play it i decided to do it again because he have a shorter lesson than normal and it is easy to do

Tuesday 4 February 2014

arts award update

in this lesson i have made a playlist on my blog using a website called
and it easy to do with the tutorial they have made.and you can edit it anytime you want which is cool here is a picture on what it looks like..

Here is the website and what the website looks like...

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Arts Award Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities  - Declan Bailey 

Camera Operator Hours and Salary

Camera Operator often work outside normal office hours including weekends and also weekday but it depends on what company you are in or want to work with. A full day of shooting may last up to 10 or more hours, Camera Operator can film at any time during the day and even work night shifts.

Camera Operators get paid

Camera Operator Qualifications/Experience

They are no set requirements to be a Camera Operator for TV or Film but most Camera Operators have studied for higher level qualifications their can demonstrate they experience of a showreel of their work.
Although qualifications can be helpful, experience, technical knowledge and contacts are equally important. Applicants also need drive and determination to work in this field.

Most camera operators start as a trainee or runner before working their way up the ladder as they gain skills. Some may start as a camera operator's assistant, after completing a training course, and learn on the job from more experienced crew members.

For a Camera Operator you may need A* - C in english, maths and science and also it is useful to have a degree in Creative Media because it is relavent in this kind of work.

Producer Working Hours and Salary 

Producers that are just starting of they will get paid in the typical starting salaries about  £18,000-£25,000 Every Year. but for Producers who have expericence will get paid round about £40,000-£55,000

Producers Work long hours normally they could work about 30 - 40 hours per week but the producers can work a lot more than 40 hours per week. but they are no set amount of hours a producer, he/she works as long as the can and as long as it takes.

Producer Qualifications 

Producers are responsible for the day-to-day smooth operation of the production team. Producers must be good businessmen and they must be good at motivating people and creating good strategies , negotiators and creative visionaries, with the ability to spot and deal with potential problems.There are no set qualifications for the grade of Producer - however, as the head of a team of both accounting and creative personnel, the Producer has to have an extensive understanding of the nature of film production as well as a strong grasp of business and financial issues and also they must have experience of working in the film industry, preferably as part of the Production Team.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

what i did arts award

In this lesson i added the background picture and i change the layout and added some more text and went on the internet and had at look at more popular website pictures when they first launched and how they improved over the years.